GPRA Code of Industry Practice

Purpose: The GPRA recognizes that as the only global organization organized to represent the Phenolic Resin Manufacturers of the world it has a responsibility to require its members to commit to appropriate Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) protection standards.

Background: There are many EHS protection standards in use throughout the phenolic resin industry, some local and some international. Although adherence to local standards will provide some level of performance, the GPRA believes that requiring members to comply with a system of global standards provides a stronger foundation for the industry.

The systems recognized by the GPRA as acceptable are:

  1. UN Global Compact (
  2. ISO-14000 (
  3. Responsible Care® (

GPRA members commit to adhering to the principles found in at least one of the GPRA recognized standards within the first 6 months of that member’s entrance into the GPRA and each year thereafter. Each member company is required to maintain this commitment as a condition of membership.

At any time, if a member company is suspected of violating its Code of Industry Practice including any suspension of license to manufacture, that member’s membership status will be considered by the GPRA Chairmen for suspension. This suspension can be removed by the GPRA Chairmen if the member company returns to operation within the Code of Industry Practice.

Future requirements will include verification of adherence to these standards.